Well, it was a good run. Twitter recently redesigned their home page and the link to the Common Craft video "Twitter in Plain English" has been removed. Here's the story of how it got there:
Back in February of 2008, I shared the video with Twitter co-founder Biz Stone. After making a handshake deal, the video appeared via a "watch a video" link from Twitter.com.

Twitter decided to use the dotSUB player for the displaying the video, which enabled the video to be watched with subtitles in many languages. The video has since been translated into 69 languages. As of today, about 1.5 years later, that video has been viewed over 9.4 million times via the dotSUB linked from Twitter.com.

The Twitter folks put a link along with the video to CommonCraft.com, which sent a lot of people in our direction.

Now that the page has been redesigned, the link to the video and to Common Craft are no more. But we're not sad. We're so honored to have been a part of helping educate people about Twitter - a simple idea that's very hard to explain. In the end, Twitter helped raise the visibility of our work and the work of explainers in general. We heard many, many times "We want a video like you did for Twitter." Thanks to Biz, Ev and the Twitter team for giving Common Craft the opportunity to a part of an amazing trajectory. We'll never forget it.
While the video isn't linked via on Twitter.com, it's obviously alive and well on CommonCraft.com. We recently published Twitter Search in Plain English as a follow on.