Today we’re announcing a new video: Crowdsourcing - Explained by Common Craft

These days crowdsourcing is changing how we think about getting things done. This video follows the story of a person who discovers how a “crowd” of strangers can help him accomplish a goal. It teaches:
• Why crowdsourcing is needed
• How goals are accomplished using crowdsourcing
• How crowdsourcing helps with speed, quality and cost
• What motivates crowd members to contribute
• How crowdfunding helps turn ideas into reality
This video title was suggested by Common Craft members and is meant to help students, colleagues and trainees understand an important and transformational trend.
Book Update
The Art of Explanation is coming out on October 8th! Soon we will receive the “page proofs” for the book, which are sent as hard copies and show how the pages will look in the finished product. Reviewing the proofs are really our last step in production. After that, it’s out of our hands.
Become an Explanation Specialist
The book has had a big influence in how we think about Common Craft’s future. We’ve come to believe that explanation is a fundamental and long neglected skill for professionals. As you’ll see in coming months, we’re orienting Common Craft around this idea:
We want the world to be a more understandable place to live and work. To do that, we need better explanations - and that’s Common Craft’s goal, to provide tools and resources for the growing number of explanation specialists.