Our library of 120 Videos is organized by categories:

Technology (79)

Our videos take the anxiety and intimidation out of technology education. They're designed to help students see why technology matters and how it fits into their lives. Evaluate videos in this category and you'll see why our approach is unique and effective.

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Social Media (16)

Our goal is to make social media understandable and useful to people of all ages. To get there, we've produced a wide variety of videos that explain why social media tools matter and how to use them effectively. Evaluate a few videos and you'll see that there is more to social media than meets the eye.

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Net Safety (20)

The internet is not all unicorns and rainbows. Lurking just below the surface are threats in the form of criminals, bullies, computer viruses and more. Our best defense is awareness and that is the goal of our net safety videos. Evaluate the videos and you'll see that they're designed to help students be aware of threats and how to address them.

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Study Skills (29)

Being a productive student means understanding how to find and use information. This category is purpose-built for helping students study and do research efficiently and responsibly. Evaluate a few videos and you'll see how we can help your students develop study skills.

See All Study Skills Videos

Money (9)

Managing money is an important by often overlooked skill. Our goal with these videos is to make personal finance easy to understand. Help young people start on the right foot by understanding the basics of being responsible with money and reducing risk. Evaluate the videos and you'll see why our approach is unique and productive.

See All Money Videos

Society (18)

Some of our videos belong in a broad category we call Society. You'll find surprises here.

See All Society Videos

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