Not everyone knows that Common Craft is truly an independent, two-person operation. Sachi and I are Common Craft. We have no employees or investors. From answering support emails to drawing Cut-outs to editing videos, we do (almost) everything.
But it wouldn’t work without the attention and help of others. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we’d like to extend a huge thank you to people that help make Common Craft tick.

First, We couldn’t do anything without our members. Each time a person or organization joins Common Craft or renews for another year, it means we can keep making membership even more awesome for everyone. Our members are both the motor and motivation behind what we do and we’re so very thankful to them for making Common Craft possible.
This is also true for our Explainer Network members. These video producers were among the first and best to specialize in explainer videos and their membership in our network helped to establish the explainer video movement.
And we could never have made it this far without our fans and followers. We appreciate every mention, every retweet and every time you tell someone about Common Craft. It helps - thank you!
Lastly, we want to thanks the partners and organizations that work behind the scenes to make Common Craft better. They include Josh and Jared at Number 10 Web Company, Jay and Anastasia at Juxtaprose and Darren and Julie at Capulet Communications.
It’s often said that the secret to success is surrounding yourself with the right people. We are very thankful to work with people we also consider friends.