What is Common Craft For?


Common Craft for TeachersIt’s taken years and lots of discussions with our fans to understand the answer to the simple question: what is Common Craft for?  We’re just a small company, we don’t have a research department or salespeople pounding the pavement.  We have to learn from what people say online, in email, discussion and phone calls. The summary of this input has helped us define the future of Common Craft and the new direction we’re taking this summer.

For example, just yesterday we received messages that help us see how the videos are being used:

Twitter user Susannah Hall (@hellolibrary) wrote on Twitter:  

@leelefever just want to say THANK YOU for all your work on CommonCraft videos. I have learned a ton & will use in my new high school library.

Lisa Shofnos, President, Computer Training Associates, wrote in email: 

CommonCraft's clever explanations - and cute graphics - make it easier for me to provide effective computer training for older adults who are using computers for the first time. Thank you for this fantastic tool! 

We see these messages almost every day and from them, one big idea has emerged:  Common Craft is for people who educate others. Whether they’re librarians, corporate trainers, teachers, bloggers or consultants, our videos helps these professionals do their job more efficiently and effectively.

It’s this insight that has prompted us to rethink what tools and services we provide to people who use Common Craft videos.  The new Common Craft, out this summer, will be focused directly on serving the needs of teachers, trainers, bloggers and businesses who need better ways to educate others online and off - it’s what Common Craft is for. 

If you would like to be notified when the new Common Craft launches, sign up here

Now, maybe we need to a video to teach ourselves why it’s wrong to end a sentence with a preposition.