Test Your Language Skill with UpGoer Five

This post is an issue of the Common Craft Newsletter. Subscribe here.

Randall Munroe is known for his , which offers hilarious and insightful commentary on technology, geek culture, and more. Awhile back, Mr. Munroe published something very different: an of the Saturn V rocket that took men to the moon.

This was no normal blueprint. Munroe added an interesting constraint: He could only use the 1,000 most-used English words for his annotations. This constraint forced him to think carefully about how to capture these complex mechanisms and features using a completely different style of communication.

blueprint saturn 5

Your Turn: The UpGoer5 Text Editor

This constraint - communicating with only the 1,000 most-used words sparked a small movement. People began to challenge each other to present their work using this method, which is now known as “UpGoer5”.

In fact, a website soon appeared with a for evaluating what words are in the top 1,000 list.

The Challenge

Can you describe your work using only the top 1,000 most-used English words? The text editor will show you what's in or out. !

This post is based on a bonus chapter in our .