Is it a Blog?, Is it a Wiki? It Doesn't Matter.

In looking at some of the upcoming conference web sites I’m noticing something interesting. The pages appear to be your normal static web pages. Then you look a little closer and find that they have the trappings of blogs and wikis.

Check out This page from the O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference. It is Clay Shirky’s bio page- and it has a TrackBack link.

Also, check out the site for Northern Voice. The pages don’t look like most wikis, yet the link at the bottom of this page enables me to “Edit This Page�? and includes blog style comments.

This type of thing isn't all that new, but I think we're going to see a lot more of it. We’re moving into a stage where sites aren’t going to be just blogs or just wikis, but web sites that get their job done using working parts from both (and other tools). Web sites will be web sites once again.