Daily Links

I'm pretty impressed that I was able to get the last couple of posts to come through from over the weekend. It's a pretty cool system, but experimental and um, geeky, to me at least. That's what relates to me being impressed- I'm proud to have surmounted a somewhat geeky obstacle. Yay me! I was inspired by Duncan and Tom, who are using the system too.

I'm working on a plain English version of how to get it going, but I thought I'd tell you about where those posts came from.

You may know that is a social bookmarking system. You can get an account and bookmark any site any time. Then, your bookmarks are organized on a web site for future reference. Plus, they are combined with all users to create a network of bookmarks. It's a great way to find and organize new and cool information based on others' bookmarks.

Now there is a way to post an automated daily digest of your recently bookmarked items to your blog, so your readers know what you're bookmarking with a minimum of effort. If you have an account, you can get there by clicking settings-->Daily Blog Posting (bottom of the right nav bar).

Now that it is set up, all I have to do is bookmark sites/entries as I normally would. Except now, posts the links, descriptions and tags to my blog every day -- automatically at a certain time.

The only problem right now is that I can't seem to make the links show up in a category via the category ID. Anyone know how to do that with Movable Type? I've been using the ID at the end of the URL when you click "edit category attributes" from the control panel.

More soon on this...