Choose My Adventure - A Courageous Experiment by Jeremy David

The first time I met Jeremy was just after he walked through the door at Northern Voice. I think the first words out of my mouth were "Whoa, what is up with that dude?" This, of course, was because he showed up in a yellow dragon costume, complete with hat and tail.

Photo: KK+

As we quickly learned, Jeremy is in the process of putting himself and his life at the mercy of his blog readers at Choose My Adventure. He wore the costume because his readers voted that he should wear it and he followed through on the vote. He's just getting started, but more votes are in the works and he is planning some international travel this summer which will be governed by the votes of the readers.

Jeremy's project is interesting for a few reasons:

1. He's committed to the follow through (see photo above). I talked to him for a while over lunch and he made the impression on me that he's ready for whatever happens.

2. He's going to travel. I'll be interested to see what he puts up to the vote. The obvious vote is locations to visit, but I'd like to see votes governing means of transportation, foods, budgeting, lodging choices per location, etc. Again, seeing the follow through on the blog will be fun.

3. These are really dares. Given multiple choices, my bet is that people will regularly vote for the most entertaining and perverse options. Would anyone really vote for jeans and sweater vs. a dragon costume? Never. The question is how far Jeremy is willing to go.

I've got to give Jeremy props for putting himself out there. This is not the wisdom of crowds - this is a guy with a lot of courage and the makings of an interesting experiment. I'm subscribed.