BBS 05 and Good Good People

Like so many good conferences, the Blog Business Summit was more about people than content for me. I enjoyed the presentations, but can’t say that I came away with a lot of new information. The presenters had a tough task- the room had both seasoned bloggers and people trying to figure out what a blog is and why it matters. With such a crowd, it’s nearly impossible to please everyone.

It’s great to see Seattle as the venue for the first one. I felt a little hostly and asked some folks to meet Sunday night- before the first day. As it turns out, Common Craft is HUGE in Canada, or so the joke went. I wasn’t aware that there was such a contingency of Canadian business bloggers.

I had a great time with the Canucks. Keep your eye on Will Pate people, he’s a young guy with a lot of smart things to say (and a small company called Good Basic). Two other Canadians that I was honored to hang out with were Boris Mann and Darren Barefoot (Darren is the #2 Darren on Google, FWIW.) These guys are behind Northern Voice which is happening in Vancouver, BC on February 19th. Boris has been all amped about Drupal and his company Bryght.

Some other great folks that showed up for dinner on Sunday night were Nick Finck and Matthew Oliphant. Nick lives here in Seattle and does Digital-Web Magazine and works for ZAAZ. Matthew Oliphant from BusinessLogs nearly stayed with me that night because the hotel was hassling him. Nick also snapped this classic shot.

Good people make good conferences.

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