Off-Topic Bookmarks? (Feedback Please)

Dear Common Craft reader, I want to know your thoughts. Just recently, I added bookmarks to this blog's RSS feed. If you're an RSS subscriber, you've seen the once-daily digest of my recent bookmarks (which also appear on our zeitgeist page).

Presumably, you subscribed (or visit occasionally) expecting some consistency in the form of community-related content. While the blog posts will continue to be (mostly) on-topic, I'm considering loosening the restrains on my bookmarking and perhaps veering wildly off-topic.

An example is this map of Europe from Moscow. I love stuff like this, but I have been stopping myself from bookmarking it because it's off-topic and a part of blog's RSS feed.

What do you think about veering off-topic? If I mixed in some bookmarks that were unrelated-but-interesting (to me at least), would you forgive me?