GnomeDex Revolution

I think there is something special in the air at GnomeDex. The only word that really makes sense right now is revolution, or perhaps evolution. Never before have I felt such a strong sense that the world is changing.

What is so special about GnomeDex is that it brings together revolutionaries from related yet disparate fields. Talking to all these people make you feel like you’re hearing about the next big thing, over and over, and digging every bit of it.

Here are some of the brief, random and high level points about my experience so far:

Everyone wants/needs help.
In many presentations, the speakers make the point that there are a lot of unknowns and the only way to get to real answers is to expose the issues and listen to what the community has to say. Building the future is impossible without help.

Video and microphones are everywhere.
I’ve never seen a conference with so many personal cameras and microphones. It’s not at all odd to walk in the lobby and see multiple groups of people interviewing one another using handheld cameras. All will appear on the web and in RSS, I’m sure.

Early Adopters
. Kathy Gill had one of my favorite quotes (that she heard from someone else): “We’re not the early adopters, we’re the lunatic fringe.�? I think there is some truth to that. We sometimes need to remember that our own little echo chamber is a tiny slice of the real world.

Everything RSS
. RSS is quickly becoming part of everyone’s experience with the Web. Sitting here at GnomeDex, that feels like “no duh!�?, but it has never been so real.

Everything “Dark�?. I’ve been hearing more references to different things referred to as “dark-something�? Dark Blogs are Intranet blogs, Dark Net is a book by J.D. Lasica and "The Dark Web" is something Boris Mann will have to explain…

Technorati Tags: gnomedex, gnomedex2005, seattle