It Snowed Today

When I was a kid, growing up in North Carolina, it would snow a few times a year and before each storm, I would get very, very excited. In hopes of preparing me for potential disappointment, my Mom would always remind me "Lee, you know, it might not snow."  We still joke about this cruel tactic.

Fast-forward 25 years and I'm still looking forward to snow.  Last night, just as I posted the RSS in Plain English video , I turned to Sachi and said "I think there is a chance that this video could make waves."  To which her reply was "Lee, you know, it might not snow". Cruel I tell you! Cruel!

It's been 24 hours since the video was posted and I think it's safe to say, after 15,000+ page views, 800 Diggs , 350 Delicious bookmarks and 50 comments that my prediction was right: It snowed today and I am one happy grown-up. 

Mom and Sachi, thanks, but no thanks!

We owe a debt of gratitude to those of you that helped us spread the word - it appears we struck a chord and we couldn't have done it without you. I hope we can return the favor.