Back in the Game (for a little while)

I think I’ve been in a haze over the past few weeks. With the TwinF roll-out and lots of project work, I’ve not been tuned into the Common Craft blog world so much. My aggregator has been mocking me as it builds up thousands of unread post, days and days go by without new content on Common Craft and a voice in back of my head is saying that it’s not a good thing.

It’s a weird position to be in- looking at the last 1.5 months of blogging on Common Craft. My beloved blog, through which I have poured my heart and soul, is about to be neglected for a long time. In its place I’ll still be blogging, but I’ll be tuned into a completely different world (literally). Hopefully still very related and relevant, but different.

Last night I cleaned out my aggregator and I currently have only about 55 feeds. Most of the new ones are travel and TwinF related, the ones that are left are friends and a few favorites. Like almost everything in my life right now, I’m getting rid of what is not being used regularly or preparing it for a year of no use.

I wonder what will come of the Common Craft blog? It’ll still be up and available while we’re gone but I have no idea if I will pick it back up when I return from the trip. I like to think I will, but who knows? I might be blogging about our new brand of sun tan lotion or something crazy by the time we get back. Time will tell I suppose.