Open Letter to My Weblog

Dear weblog,
I have good news and bad news- I’ll give you the bad news first. The bad news is that I’ve been neglecting you lately and it’s been bothering me. The truth is that there are other things happening in my life that are temporarily coming between us. With lots of work and a wedding coming up in weeks, I just don’t have time to keep you updated as much as I’d like. Have you ever planned a wedding? I didn’t think so.

If it helps, your friend and coworker NewsGator is also suffering- maybe the two of you can keep each other company. I always thought you two were such a good match anyway. If you can figure out a way to post all the interesting links coming to NewsGator without my help, please do.

The good news, my weblog, is that I am committed to a long term relationship with you. Even though you may feel forgotten for the next month or so, I want you to know that you’ll always be a part of my life. In fact, the work I’m doing now will one day make you even more visited and linked-to than you are now - and I know how much you cherish those links.

Until then, I really appreciate the service you provide to the readers out there. If you get upset, don’t take it out on them and be especially nice to Google- we need Google to like us. Oh, and after the honeymoon, I’ll be back in full force- so rest up.

Occasionally Yours,
