Finding the Love

This holiday weekend (July 4th in the US) has given me a much-needed break from work and a chance reflect on where Common Craft is headed, now that it’s just over 1 year old. I’ve been thinking a lot about exactly what business I’m in and what business I want to be in.

For the first 9 months after starting Common Craft (in June 0f 2003), I had the luxury to wear many hats at once. I had time to be a dedicated weblogger, an online community technology designer, a technology reseller, a trainer, a speaker, a consultant, a weblog designer, a conference attendee, etc. My goal during this time was to build visibility and stay busy learning so that I would one day be busy with projects. Evidently it worked, and now my time is scarce.

With an almost full-time engagement with a Fortune 50 company, a contract with the March of Dimes and two other projects, time is something I no longer have. As a result, I must use the time I have to focus on the next steps. I can no longer leisurely dabble in multiple areas of interest- I need to come to some conclusions about what it is that I do best- and what I want to do in the future. Only by focusing now can I ensure that my next project is something I want to do. While I can’t say I’ve nailed the conclusions, I am coming to grips with what I love most about my profession to date.

  • I love to focus on solutions to communication, learning and networking problems inside businesses.
  • I love the conceptual design process.
  • I love finding opportunities to use new technologies to solve old business problems.
  • I love making web technology easy for people to use and understand.
  • I love designing online tools that bring people together and make work easier.
  • I love writing in this weblog.

My father, a life-long entrepreneur, has said to me many times “Lee, you’ve got to do what you love�? and I think that’s good advice. So, I think I’ll use my “loves�? to help guide me through the next year. Maybe doing what I love is the business I’m in after all.