Inspiration from Navin R. Johnson

jerk copy.gifIt's exciting to see some folks tracking-back and talking about the contest. I'm reminded of the movie "The Jerk", with Steve Martin as Navin R. Johnson. Particularly, I laugh about the part where he's trying to make it on his own by working at Hartounian's service station- and the new phone books are delivered. To quote Navin:

The new phone book's here! The new phone book's here! I'm somebody now! Millions of people look at this book every day! This is the kind of spontaneous publicity, you're name in print, that makes people. I'm in print! Things are going to start happening to me now!

Listen to the .wav file (474k) here

Of course, just as he utters these words in the movie, a sniper starts firing bullets at him after randomly picking his name out of the phone book. I'll hope for the best with my name in print and remember that Navin did finally make it big, but soon lost it all.