Ride Snowboards, a personal weblog and an apology

Here is more evidence of the power of the weblog community to call out businesses who step over the line:

The website Cowboy's and Poodles learned about a recent snowsports tradeshow where the Ride snowboards booth displayed a sign that read "The worst thing about riding a Burton is telling your friends you're gay". After hearing about this, the site owner organized a boycott and encouraged readers to let Ride Snowboards know what they thought.

Soon after, the President of Ride Snowboards posted this on the company's web site.

Aside from the poor judgement of Ride, I think this is an great example of the growing power of the weblog community. Webloggers have growing power to take letter writing campaigns to new levels- and get results.

Companies should take note that there are influential people watching them and they are ready to report what they see to their community via weblogs and online communities- and word travels faster than ever.

Via: Anil