Lee LeFever: Farmer

Those of you who have been reading for a while know that Common Craft is relatively new venture- the official lift-off was June 1, 2003. So, I'm into my seventh month now.

Prior to (and after) starting Common Craft I talked to a lot of independent consultants and folks who have been through starting a small business and a few left me with thoughts that I'll never forget.

One person that I shared lunch with gave me this sage advice:

"Getting your business started is like starting a farm. You don't just go out and grow crops. You have to cultivate. You have to get out there and create relationships with your market and network. The connections you make in the beginning are like seeds planted in the ground -- they won't pay off in the short term. But if you water, fertilize, and give them plenty of sun, they'll grow into your first crop --and from that first crop you will get more seeds and harvest again and again."

I'll never forget that advice. Here I am in the seventh month and the seedlings are starting to sprout. I can see a bumper crop down the road and I feel more confident every day. I've got a couple of projects going and more in the pipeline- plus there are some exciting things coming to CommonCraft.com soon.

Speaking of which, I think this site has taken cultivation to a new level for me- where else can talk to so many people about my farm?