Comment Spammers: My Banned IPs and an Invitation to Share Yours

Like many folks out there, I'm suffering from these comment spammer leaches.

For those of you unaware, there are desperate people out there leaving (or using technology to leave) worthless comments in weblogs to promote their products. They comment on an entry and place a link on the comment to their site- which gives their site higher results in Google.

One (flawed and inefficient) way of dealing with these folks is to ban their IP address. I've only started to ban IPs recently, but I thought it would be a good idea to illustrate how to ban an IP and then post my banned IPs for others to use. If you have a list of banned IPs, post them on your site and trackback to this entry.

Here are the IPs I've banned so far:

Here's how to ban an IP using Movable Type:

First, you need to find the IP of the commenter. Go the Editing Menu of your Movable Type blog and notice the "5 most recent comments" on the lower right. By clicking on each comment, you'll see their IP address. Copy it.

Then, click "Weblog Config" on the left navigation bar in Movable Type.
At the top of the page, you should see a link to "IP Banning" on the right side- click it.

Paste the IP address into the field and click "Add" for each one you want to ban.

See Also:

Six Apart's Recent Post about comment spam

Jay Allen's MT-Blacklist A downloadable tool that scans comments and trackbacks for spam and bans them- very promising.