New Category: Technology in Plain English

This category is my attempt to provide alternatives to "geek-speak".

Like many industries, web technology certainly has its own language and technologists speak it fluently- I call it "geek-speak". However, unlike many industries, ordinary people are needing to understand what the technologists are talking about. Unfortunately, geek-speak leaves many of these folks feeling dumbfounded and feeling like a "dinosaur". I feel this way from time-to-time myself.

In my mind this is counter-productive. I love to see new technologies adopted by the non-technical and we can't expect for a technology to reach a tipping point unless the average Joe can explain it.

So, that is why I'm making this category a part of this site. I want to provide an ongoing resource for ordinary people to be able to understand what the technical world of the web takes for granted. I will do my best to describe technology in plain English.